Group Photos
After the Research Talk of Prof. Sarbajit Banerjee, September 2024
Dr. Islam is giving a lecture: Materials on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Issues at Mississippi Valley State University (September 2024)
Dr. Islam is giving a lecture: Materials on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Issues at Mississippi Valley State University (September 2024)
Dr. Islam's visit to Mississippi Valley State University for the HBCU Clean Energy Outreach Program and Student Recruitment (September 2024)
Dr. Islam's visit to Mississippi Valley State University for the HBCU Clean Energy Outreach Program and Student Recruitment (September 2024)
K-12 Student Suri and MVSU undergrad Olujege are working on casting electrodes for Lithium ion batteries (summer 2024)
K-12 Student Suri and MVSU undergrad Olujege are working on casting electrodes for Lithium ion batteries (summer 2024)
Dr. Islam with K-12 students, and MVSU Prof. Nellore and her undergraduate students (summer 2024)
Dr. Islam with K-12 students, and MVSU Prof. Nellore and her undergraduate students (summer 2024)
K-12 students Suri and Tasmiyah received a poster presentation award at the NSF PREM JSU-UCSB conference (summer 2024)
K-12 students Suri and Tasmiyah received a poster presentation award at the NSF PREM JSU-UCSB conference (summer 2024)
Group Photo: Spring 2024
Dr. Ruhul Amin and Dr. Ilias Belharouak from Oak Ridge National Laboratory paid a visit to Jackson State University and gave us some insight about the advanced energy storage research they are conducting at ORNL
The group with Dr. Justin Hoffman after the PDF workshop
Dr. Justin Hoffman from Advanced Photon Source of Argonne National Laboratory conducted a day-long workshop on Pair Distribution Function Analysis for our group
Prof. Stephanie Brock from Wayne State University gave a talk on the Chalcogenide-aerogels, one of the research focuses of our group
Group Picture 2023
Group Picture 2022